Ever go to use your bank card for a purchase and the cashier give you a weird look because of your current name and your appearance before demanding for your identification? Well, for a trans guy that could be extremely embarrassing especially after starting hormones. Changing your name is a big deal for transgender folks.
When I did mine, it cost me nothing for the actual name change. My lawyer was pro bono, the filing fees waived, even publication was waived. It could have cost me hundreds of dollars in my state if I did not find this lawyer (link will be posted below next to PA). So, to help my brothers out, I did a little research on each state in the U.S. for filing a name change. Some states have LGBT legal centers that handle these issues, but not all do. If I cannot find a center, then I will post a link to a form or how to in your state. If anyone has done a name change in any of these states, please write to us and help provide information for others to do so as well. Or if any information or links are incorrect, please let us know so it can be fixed. We are all here to help each other out as best as we can.
NATIONAL: http://www.lambdalegal.org/ ; http://www.nclrights.org/site/PageServer?pagename=issue_transgender ; http://www.aclu.org/hiv-aids_lgbt-rights/know-your-rights-transgender-people-and-law
AL: I could not find a legal center that handled these issues at this time, but from acquaintances of mine in this state, all they had to do was go to their local Probate Judge’s Office to file. A judge was not seen, but a small $18-19 fee was charged and their name was changed.
AK: http://www.courts.alaska.gov/shcname.htm
AZ: http://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/SuperiorCourt/Self-ServiceCenter/ ; http://supreme.state.az.us/selfserv/Phase_1a/nmchg_p.pdf
AR: http://sherrylanina.tripod.com/arkansasnamechange.htm
CA: http://transgenderlawcenter.org/cms/content/community-legal-services
CO: http://www.ittakesavillagecolorado.org/programs/transaction.htm
CT: www.twentyclub.org/docs/paper.html ; an acquaintance in Avon also said they just went to the court office with ID and Birth Certificate, made an appointment and it went through fairly quick; http://conference.transadvocacy.org/documents/translegal.pdf ; see New England for more links
DE: http://courts.delaware.gov/Help/ChangeName/
DC: Apply for a case with the civil division by calling (202)-879-1133 or see a clerk in JM-170 of the Moultrie Courthouse. Fill out Application at http://www.dccourts.gov/docs/civil/dcsc31.pdf , then apply in person at the Moultrie Courthouse. A fee will be needed, not sure on the actual amount. Then you get a court date and appear before a judge. Not all in the same day. ; http://dctranscoalition.wordpress.com/resources/how-to-legally-change-your-namegender-in-dc-va-and-md/
FL: http://www.transgenderlaw.org/resources/floridakit.pdf ; http://www.eqfl.org/
GA:http://www.kwomacklaw.com/more/index.cfm?Fuseaction=more_5531#Name_Change_Petitions ; http://www.megafamilyproject.org/informed/trans.html
HI: http://hawaii.gov/ltgov/office/name/index.html/
ID: http://www.courtselfhelp.idaho.gov/namechange.asp
IL: http://www.genderadvocates.org/?q=node/17
IN: http://www.tgboards.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1113 ; http://www.in.gov/pla/3053.htm
IA: http://www.tsroadmap.com/reality/name/iowa.html
KS: see AL for the same procedure though costs may be different
KY: see AL for the same procedure though costs may be different
LA: see AL for the same procedure though costs may be different
ME: http://www.mainetransnet.org/trans/legal.html ; http://www.mainelgbtlaw.com/blog/about/ ; see New England for more links
MD: http://dctranscoalition.wordpress.com/resources/how-to-legally-change-your-namegender-in-dc-va-and-md/ ; http://chasebrexton.org/wellness/lgbt/transition/
MA: http://www.masstpc.org/projects/namechange.shtml ; http://www.umass.edu/stonewall/transresguide/ ; http://www.robertlapointe.com/ (trans friendly lawyer) ;see New England for more links
MI: http://www.arcusfoundation.org/images/uploads/downloads/tgmanual.pdf
MN: http://www.outfront.org/library/changename
MS: see AL for the same procedure though costs may be different
MO: see AL for the same procedure though costs may be different
MT: http://www.montanatdor.org/tdor/documents/MontanaTDOR%20Name%20Change%20Resource%20Guide.pdf ; http://www.montanatdor.org/
New England: http://www.glad.org/work/initiatives/c/transgender-rights-project/ ; www.gicne.org ; http://www.glad.org/uploads/docs/publications/trans-legal-issues.pdf
NE: http://involved.unl.edu/lgbtqa/trans/records.php
NV: see AL for the same procedure though costs may be different
NH: see New England for links
NJ: http://jplaw.com/transgender.html ; http://www.judiciary.state.nj.us/prose/10551_namechg_adult.pdf ; http://mazzonicenter.org/ (the legal services I used for my name change)
NM: http://www.transgendernm.org/Professional_Services.html
NY: http://www.transgenderlegal.org/ ; http://srlp.org/ ; http://www.le-gal.org/site/
NC: http://phoenixtgs.weebly.com/getting-your-legal-name-change.html
ND: see AL for the same procedure though costs may be different
OH: http://www.transohio.org/change/bmvchange.html
OK: see AL for the same procedure though costs may be different
OR: http://www.resourcespdx.org/non-medical/change-sex-oregon-id/ ; http://www.tsroadmap.com/reality/name/ORinstructions.pdf
PA: http://mazzonicenter.org/ (the legal services I used for my name change) ; http://jplaw.com/transgender.html ; www.center4civilrights.org
RI: http://www.youthprideri.org/Resources/TransgenderSpecificResources/tabid/275/Default.aspx ; https://sites.google.com/site/sneftmgroup/gender-marker-name-change-info ; http://www.robertlapointe.com/ (trans friendly lawyer) ; see New England for more links
SC: www.scstatehouse.net/code/t15c049.htm
SD: see AL for the same procedure though costs may be different
TN: http://www.knoxboyz.org/ ; http://transgender.livejournal.com/2450692.html
TX: http://jamiward.blogspot.com/2010/12/documentation-change-101.html ; http://www.texasnamechangelaw.com/requirements.asp
UT: see AL for the same procedure though costs may be different
VT: http://vtveto.wordpress.com/resources/vermont-name-change/ ; see New England for more links
VA: http://www.tsroadmap.com/reality/name/namechangeformi.pdf ; http://dctranscoalition.wordpress.com/resources/how-to-legally-change-your-namegender-in-dc-va-and-md/
WA: http://uwqcenter.wordpress.com/resources/transgender/ ; http://www.co.pierce.wa.us/pc/Abtus/ourorg/distct/dc1faq.htm#namechg
WV: see AL for the same procedure though costs may be different
WI: http://www.forge-forward.org/socialsupport/emergence-disclosure.html
WY: see AL for the same procedure though costs may be different
Well, that is each state in the United States. I apologize for not having a lot of information for each individual state. As I stated above, please contact us at Genderfuk.Boiz@yahoo.com or me personally on my face book page or email at cmdesilvah@yahoo.com if you have done a legal name change in the US so we can share as much information on this much needed process. I know I did a lot of research on my particular state, so others will have more information on theirs. This way we can keep this updated for all.
This compilation is awesome. Nice work! I recently got my named changed in Washington State, more specifically, King County. I thought I would pass along some more information in hopes that it would be beneficial to guys out there. Below are links to help guide those in Washington State through both the name changing (court-by county) and gender designator (DOL - via Olympia)processes:
ReplyDeleteName Changing Guidelines -
King County (specific name changing process with PDF petition form on right hand side) -
Change of Gender Designation Request Form -
Here is also a link to a youtube video I made that describes my personal experience:
Good luck to everyone out there!