
07 January 2012

A Random Quirk: First Edition

A Random Quirk:
First Edition

Hey, ya’ll! I am kind of starting our week at the end. Simply because I would like to make a few announcements concerning the GFB community. There have been some changes in our email system. is now only for comments, concerns, suggestions, applications, etc. It is for contacting us directly. Photo entries will no longer be accepted through this email. is for photo entries on our face book photo contests. Some of ya’ll like to email your entries in instead of posting them onto our wall or some times we make emailing your photos in a requirement. Either way, this is where they should be sent. is for our advice column, “How Can I Help You?” If you have a question, need someone to give you advice, etc. This is where you can email them. It does not matter the issue. We here at GFB should be able to help. All names will be anonymous, including the blogger responding to the emails. is for our “A Random Quirk” column. Random topics, announcements, guest blogs, etc should be submitted here.

Ok, now with that out of the way. Here will be our lineup for our columns, all subject to change at any given point.

Sundays will be “FTM Chronicles
Mondays will be “No Boundaries
Tuesdays will be “Partner Circle
Wednesdays will be “Kings United
Thursdays will be “It’s a Butch World Out There
Fridays will be “How Can I Help You?
Saturdays will be “A Random Quirk

For more info on the topics of each column, please look to our New Year’s blog posted on January 2nd, 2012.

If you are interested in being one of our bloggers and/or vloggers, then please fill out our application (see application blog posted in 2011) or email us for an application. We currently need people for our “Kings United” and “It’s a Butch World Out There” columns, but are also looking for others for the others as well. If you are interested in submitting a guest blog/vlog, then email us at our “A Random Quirk” column email stated previously in this edition.

I think that is all for this edition. Have a great weekend, ya’ll!



06 January 2012


Hey ya'll! We have another blogger bio to post. She will be a blogger in the Partner Circle (everything for those who date non-cis gendered people or have those as friends). Lets make her feel welcomed!


Hey there. My name is Emily and I get really uncomfortable when I have to talk about myself…so let us embark on this adventure together, shall we? I am a 23 year old, cis-gendered queer identifying female living in the suburbs of Philadelphia. I graduated from undergraduate school with a double major in criminology and psychology, but kept myself occupied with activist groups on campus. In addition to PRIDE Alliance, I helped run a group called S.A.G.E. [Students Advocating Gender Equality] as well as the on campus chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. Basically, I am ‘that girl’ and pretty damned comfortable with that fact. I am lucky enough to have a wonderful partner in GFB’s very own WulfBoi, so here is to hoping that he does not regret asking me to blog for this fantastic site.

04 January 2012


 Another new GFB blogger!!! Please make him feel welcomed, ya'll!


Hello Genderfuk Boiz,

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Chels, I was born and raised in Seattle Washington.. you would think it's easy to be genderqueer in a 'liberal' city but unfortunately I've had my share of discrimination and I've even had close call moments where I felt my life was threatened. I haven't let discrimination harden me, I'm still who I've always been, I just have a passion now to stand up for what I believe should be human rights.  I've made it my mission to help the LGBTQ community in whatever way I can. I came out as a lesbian when I was 8 years old, and then came out as Transgender at age 11. It took me years of soul searching to figure out that I'm in the gray area between. My family and friends have always been supportive, even so much so as my mom has written to the government about how she wants her own child to have the same opportunities a parent always dreams of for their children. In my free time I love to read, blow glass, cook, dance and see local bands. I'm honored to be a part of the Genderfuk Boiz and hope to become friends with all of you, and remember I'm always here to talk. 



03 January 2012

Ethan B.

Ethan B. is a new member of the Genderfuk Boiz community and staff. He will be blogging/vlogging for us. Please make him feel welcomed, ya'll!


My name is Ethan. I am twenty four years old, I currently reside in a small suburban town outside of Philadelphia, Pa. I am almost four months on T (testosterone) and I have been out for a little over six months. I am a jack of all trades if you will. I am a musician, an artist, a writer, etc. I do everything (almost) independently. I love being a good friend and some goals of mine are to help people in the future and help transgender youth, as well as make the T in the LGBTQ more visible in my community and the communities surrounding me. It is also all I have ever wanted to do with my music and art. To reach someone and hopefully make a change.

-Ethan B.

02 January 2012

Happy New Year!!

    Happy New Year Boiz! Here at Genderfuk Boiz we hope you had a great, and safe, New Year’s Eve. I, WulfBoi, know I have not written a blog in quite some time. So how about a New Year blog with a few announcements? = )

     In 2011,  Genderfuk Boiz made a comeback. GFB originated on myspace a few years ago, created by the duo of WulfBoi and Ace. WulfBoi had shipped out and when he came back, the site went under. With a few adjustments, I brought Genderfuk Boiz back! Now on Facebook instead of myspace. New contests, with prizes. A vlog channel on Youtube. A blog on Blogspot. And so much more!

    With any new project, there will be mistakes. This year was a rough ride for GFB. With misunderstandings on contest rules, not a lot of updates(blogs/vlogs), and no BotM. I want to take this time now to apologize. I take full responsibility for all the problems that have occurred on GFB during 2011.

    It is now 2012! Which means a new and improved Genderfuk Boiz page! Some changes already came to be. Such as our new Supporters/Fans album. That is our way of showing thanks to those around us in our lives. More changes are to come. One being our Boi of the Month contests. All of the contest guidelines/rules will be update on the info section on the face book page. The guidelines/rules will also be posted on here, the blog page.

    We are also bringing some new faces to our staff. We have had a past of missing  updates. This new staff will not let that happen. The goal is to have a new blog or vlog column for each day of the week. There is a broad spectrum of viewers on here. The kinks on which column on which day has not been set just yet. GFB is also looking for more bloggers and vloggers to fill in some spots. Maybe even multiple people for each column as to get more then one point of view.

The columns will include, but not limited to:
The FTM Chronicles (everything FTM related)
No Boundaries (everything for the Gender Non Conforming/androgynous)
Partner Circle (everything for those who date non-cis gendered people or have those as friends)
Kings United (everything in terms of the drag world)
It’s a Butch World Out There (everything for our butch/studs)
How Can I Help You? (advice column: anonymous)
A Random Quirk (topic changes each week, just a random blog by suggestion and/or guest blog)

    The names of the columns are not set in stone. Any suggestions will gladly accepted. The columns can be written as a blog one week and then a vlog the next. Which ever the author would like to do. New members of our staff so far are Ethan B., Em Cash, and Chels.

    Spots are still open if you are interested or if you know someone who might be interested. To apply is very simple. We have a blog with the application. Fill it out and email it to us at
