A Random Quirk:
First Edition
Hey, ya’ll! I am kind of starting our week at the end. Simply because I would like to make a few announcements concerning the GFB community. There have been some changes in our email system.
Genderfuk.boiz@yahoo.com is now only for comments, concerns, suggestions, applications, etc. It is for contacting us directly. Photo entries will no longer be accepted through this email.
Photo_GFB@yahoo.com is for photo entries on our face book photo contests. Some of ya’ll like to email your entries in instead of posting them onto our wall or some times we make emailing your photos in a requirement. Either way, this is where they should be sent.
Advice_GFB@yahoo.com is for our advice column, “How Can I Help You?” If you have a question, need someone to give you advice, etc. This is where you can email them. It does not matter the issue. We here at GFB should be able to help. All names will be anonymous, including the blogger responding to the emails.
Random.Quirk_GFB@yahoo.com is for our “A Random Quirk” column. Random topics, announcements, guest blogs, etc should be submitted here.
Ok, now with that out of the way. Here will be our lineup for our columns, all subject to change at any given point.
Sundays will be “FTM Chronicles”
Mondays will be “No Boundaries”
Tuesdays will be “Partner Circle”
Wednesdays will be “Kings United”
Thursdays will be “It’s a Butch World Out There”
Fridays will be “How Can I Help You?”
Saturdays will be “A Random Quirk”
For more info on the topics of each column, please look to our New Year’s blog posted on January 2nd, 2012.
If you are interested in being one of our bloggers and/or vloggers, then please fill out our application (see application blog posted in 2011) or email us for an application. We currently need people for our “Kings United” and “It’s a Butch World Out There” columns, but are also looking for others for the others as well. If you are interested in submitting a guest blog/vlog, then email us at our “A Random Quirk” column email stated previously in this edition.
I think that is all for this edition. Have a great weekend, ya’ll!